The activity is aimed at early childhood (from 0 to 3 years old). Its objective is to introduce children to music through fun and educational activities, percussion games, dance games, nursery rhymes, and more.
Material Resources: Tambour Battant has approximately 750 musical instruments that are used during musical awakening sessions. The facilitator will use the musical instruments available at the establishment and Tambour Battant's instruments. The establishment will provide a preliminary time for the facilitator to take inventory of the instruments and awakening materials at the facility before their use.
Insurance: The association has liability insurance.
Duration of Sessions: The facilitator offers sessions of 20 or 30 minutes for each group of children.
Session Location: The head of the facility will provide a work location for the facilitator. A room with a small space for motor activities is recommended. It is good to keep the same room throughout the year for the children's reference, but the facilitator can adapt to a new location if necessary. If possible, a room without a phone is preferable because during the morning, the phone rings frequently in a facility, and a ringing phone can be disruptive during a children's song.
Hygiene and Safety: The facilitator wears slippers specifically for daycare centers. He regularly uses hand sanitizing gels (especially before sessions). He always has disinfectant wipes (for babies) on hand to clean instruments and objects that children put in their mouths. In the event of an outbreak in the daycare (e.g., chickenpox), the facility should notify the facilitator in advance.
Session Hours: Tambour Battant is aware of the scheduling constraints of early childhood facilities (late arrivals of children, lunch at 11:30 am); therefore, sessions take place in the morning between 8:30 am and 11:30 am.
Composition of Children's Groups: The director of the facility forms the groups of children. Experience has shown that groups of 8 to 10 children work well. Grouping by age (young, middle, and older) is also recommended.
Collaboration between Facilitators and Staff: During the sessions, facility staff may be present in the room where the activity takes place. Parents may also be present. In addition to the facilitator, it is recommended to have two adults in the room. The facilitator is technically responsible for the activity, while the staff is responsible for the children during the session.
Session Content: The facilitator starts each session with a welcome song. He offers an instrument discovery, group practice, children's songs, finger games, mimed songs, and nursery rhymes. Each session includes a physical activity (circle, dance, physical awakening) suitable for very young children. He concludes the session with a closing song.
Working on a Pedagogical Project: The facilitator can offer musical awakening sessions related to the pedagogical project or the annual theme of the establishment. Examples include Native Americans, farm animals, and the circus.
Performances: A small presentation can be offered to parents at the end of the school year and/or around Mardi Gras or Mother's Day.